There are several ways to get involved in the SBKN. Whether you are a long time koala advocate or you are new to the cause, we welcome you to get involved.
The Sydney Basin Koalas are special and they can't survive without somewhere to live. That's why our aim is to protect and expand connected, thriving Koala core habitats and corridors across the region.
We can't do this without knowing where the koalas currently live and where potential habitat and habitat corridors exist. This is where Citizen Scientists come in.
Do you:
- Like to get outdoors in your local environment
- Want to learn more about koala ecology
- Want to learn to identify koala key traits, evidence of koalas and koala habitat
- Want to contribute to expanding scientific knowledge to stregthen conservation efforts
Express your interest in joining our citizen science project and we will let you know when training sessions and survey events are available.
Community briefings are a chance to:
- connect with fellow koala advocates in your community,
- gain information about koalas and,
- find the best strategist we can use, collectively, to protect and expand koala populations and koala habitat in the Sydney Basin.
They are an opportunity to hear from legal experts about what laws are affecting koalas in the Sydney Basin and where to focus campaign efforts to maximise our impact.
Express your interest in community briefings and we will let you know when and where they are being held.
If you want to stay in the loop with what the network is doing, subscribe to our semi-regular newsletter. We will only email when something important is happening.
If you are part of a community group / charity / or other organisation that cares for koalas and their habitat, we welcome you to get on board the network. Please visit our Partners & Collaborators page for more information on how to be part of our network.