The Sydney Basin Koala Network consists of the following network members:
- Nature Conservation Council of NSW
- Australian Climate and Forest Alliance
- Humane Society International Australia
- Australian Wildlife Society
- International Fund for Animal Welfare Australia
- Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) Greater Western Sydney
- Hawkesbury Environment Network
- Hunter Community Environment Centre
- Lithgow Environment Group
- Blue Mountains Conservation Society
- Sutherland Shire Environment Centre
- Save Manly Dam Catchment Committee
- Hills-Hornsby Rural Koala Project
- Save Sydney’s Koalas
- Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society
- Valley for Wildlife, MacDonald Valley Association
- DoSomething Foundation
- Lane Cove Bushland and Conservation Society
- WinZero (Wingecarribee Net Zero Emissions)
- Koala Koalition Econetwork Port Stephens
- Mountains for Wildlife Hawkesbury - Blue Mountains
- Help Save Appin and Surrounds
- Wilton Action Group (WAG)
If you are part of a community group / charity / or other organisation that is passionate about Koala habitat protection, we welcome you to get on board the network.
The network is here to:
- support koala, community, and environmental groups,
- provide opportunities to work together
- produce expert guided legal and scientific proposals to the government that we welcome you to sign
Find out more about what it means to be part of the network by emailing [email protected]